OP’s Vaping Stock Up Store



At Overland Park Vape Shop, we’re certainly watching the news in awe just like pretty much everyone else and we know that many of our customers are staying at home and more importantly keeping their distance from others in the hopes curbing the spread of the Corona virus.  While our vape shop at 151st and Hardy in Overland Park is currently open for business during our normal business hours, we have definitely noticed some changes in the way our customers are shopping and in some cases it isn’t a bad thing.

Overland Park and Leawood, KS Vape Shops

What we’ve seen is that our customers are coming in less but they are typically buying more and we’re busy making sure that we have what they want in stock so they don’t need to be out and can stay at home.

It’s definitely not business as usual at our vape shop as we are actively taking actions to make sure our store, our staff and of course our customers are safe. We are regularly cleaning and disinfecting our store and our staff is following the guidelines put forth by the World Health Organization (WHO) in our daily operations.  Here’s what we’re doing:

  1. HANDS: We’ve instructed our staff to wash their hands and use hand sanitizer often. We know that washing hands is a simple yet effective way to reduce the spread of the virus and we recommend our customers do the same in all of their daily activities and interactions as well.
  2. ELBOW: It’s allergy season which is not ideal for a virus outbreak. Needless to say, our staff has been told that if they have to cough to do so into their elbow. With the virus being spread airborne this is solid advice for not only our vape shop but for everywhere and everyone. We ask that our customers please do the same when in our store.
  3. FACE: We’ve probably realized that we touch out face a lot more than we thought. We’ve told our staff to avoid touching their face which is just common sense.
  4. FEET: The WHO recommends that we all stay 3 feet away from one another which can be tricky in a shop of our size. Nevertheless, our staff has been instructed to stay as far away from our customers and other staff member as possible which means no fist bumps, hand shakes or high fives even to our regular customers.
  5. FEEL: It’s pretty simple: if our staff feels even slightly ill, they have been asked not to come into the vape shop. We are asking the same of our customers as well. This damn virus spreads easily which means anyone with any abnormal symptoms needs to stay home! There is nothing in our store that is worth risking your life for or negatively effecting someone else’s so if you don’t feel good, stay home. We’ll be here when you are feeling better


The safety and health of our community is very important to us. At OP Vapes, we want nothing more than to get things back to normal but that takes all of us keeping our distance, washing our hand and overall being responsible for our actions so as not to continue the spread of the virus. We’ll be open for normal business hours from 9 am to 9 pm daily as long as we can. Come see us if you are well enough on 151st Street just 2 stoplights west of 69 Highway in Overland Park. Stay safe, wash your hands and see you soon!

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